Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Napoleonic wars and the British Navy.

The first action of the period was the bombardment of Algiers under Lord Exmouth conducted in 1816. This was to force the freeing of Christian slaves. During the Greek War of Independence, the Battle of Navarino was fought in 1827. The Turkish fleet was destroyed by the combined fleets of Britain, France and Russia. This was the last major action between fleets of sailing ships. Ottoman involvement continued, with the bombardment of Acre in 1840, and additional Mediterranean crises during the rest of the decade. Action was taken against pirates in the Levant, Borneo and China Seas. To stop slaving ships were boarded at sea and slaving port raided.
To try and prevent Russia gaining access to a warm water port, the Crimean War was fought in the 1850s. Britain (in concert with the Turks and French) sent 150 transports and 13 warships. The Russian Black Sea fleet was destroyed. The Crimean War became known as a testing ground for the new technologies of steam and shell. It was shown that explosive shells ripped wooden hulls to pieces, which led to the development of the "iron clad" ship. It also showed the need for a permanent pool of trained seamen. There were two Anglo-French campaigns against Russia. In the Black Sea, success at Sevastopol was paralleled by successful operations in the Baltic including the bombardments of Bomarsund and Sveaborg.
The Chinese Government placed unilateral restraints on British trade with China. In 1839 a Chinese official impounded opium from India, but the British insisted on the British Empire being allowed to export to China, and instituted a blockade of Canton, beginning the First Anglo-Chinese War (1839-42). There was a Second Anglo-Chinese War from 1856 to 1860. In 1857 the British captured Canton and threatened Beijing, thrown back by the Chinese in 1859 and succeeding the following year. As a result of these actions Britain gained a base at Hong Kong in 1839 and a base in Canton in the second war.
In 1864 the bombardment of Kagoshima forced Japan to accept foreign traders.
In 1858 France built the first seagoing ironclad, Gloire, and Britain responded with Warrior of 1860, the first of the 1860s Naval Arms Race, an intensive programme of construction that eclipsed French efforts by 1870. She was called a "Black Snake" by Napoleon III.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a good account of some of the wars that had a naval aspect during the period 1815-1870, but the phrase "Napoleonic Wars" (which ended in 1815) is a misnomer. You should develop this now into a study of the role of the British Navy during the period supporting TRADE, suppressing PIRACY and SLAVERY and MAPPING, RERSEARCH as well as MILITARY ACTION. Check out the acquisition of Hong Kong at the conclusion of the Opium Wars.

25 November 2008 at 06:55  

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